- “Megatrends?” –“Perfect!”
- Zukunftsforscher Naisbitt: “China handelt nicht selbstlos”
- International perspectives on Xi’s governance of China
- A western perspective book on B&R initiative
- US futurist touts the rise of China
- Verschläft der Westen die Machtwende?
- Rise of Global Southern Belt to give ray of hope to Indians, says China observers
- Futurologists look into crystal ball
- An opportunity for Nepal
- Zukunftsforscher Naisbitt :”Europa stirbt gerade”
- Sind Asiaten fleißiger? “Absolut”
- China is a country without an ideology
- 从三个”一致性”看中国的成功
- 著名政治学家奈斯比特”中国是唯一拥有长期地缘政治战略的国家”
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